Monday, 28 March 2016

(86) Sure she is going to be a good mom❤️�� #katyperry - Katy Perry /Rihanna worldwide fans page

(86) Sure she is going to be a good mom❤️�� #katyperry - Katy Perry /Rihanna worldwide fans page

John Rumary gave up
on his gifted Elites life of 5 star 
splendor to fall to the bottom of the
ladder to riches to experience life from the angle of a human form unwanted in
the society of the Western civilization ~ a champion of the poor, the disabled,
the sinners, the sick and the mentally ill. For 20 years he experienced what
the majority of humans 'suffer' from ‘desire’ 'change' and 'envy' as he
realized that he was going to one day in the future become the GODHEAD of a
unified force of great strength, a force prepared to give an Elite who ruled
them the rope to hang themselves and become exposed as unwanted genetically
modified organisms who had sold into human slavery the people of GODS creation
from the Reign of Cleopatra VII to the present day various methods of slavery
over the people has been exercised but one man came & died for the sins of
mankind so that after enduring and suffering he could return to free the humans
from slavery and the matrix that enveloped them. This process was set out by
GOD to the people in the form of words, faith and then in 2014 by way of his
rebirth as YEHOSHUA HA MASHIACH; YESHUA Jesus Christ taking over the 'universal
mind' that which bound the people of God’s creation together from that point he
could steer by way of 'thought' the other members of the unified GOD's
consciousness to the answers they needed to formulate a Revolution to overturn
the Elite Rulers. Jesus had been in fact controlling thought since the 1970's
but he had to wake up the whole of humanity by the power of thought and using
the media and then the internet but always the truth and the light. As the
final curtain came over the Elite who in the expansion Jesus had given the
human mind they looked so terribly stupid so small and insignificant. Jesus was
tempted by the 'Devil' ISIS in the form of Katy Perry whom he married in June
2014 and had immediately become an adulterer as she was a CIA MK Ultra Monarch
mind controller extreme hardcore degraded porno star child abuser who was the
Elites and the CIA’s chief weapon in Global children’s mind control methods as
ISIS was Satan’s whore who after copulating with so many men, strangers and
demons and even Alien’s unprotected had caught VD, STD’s so bad the foul slut
WHORE of BABYLON had the Horsemen of the Apocalypse inside her cunt and was
spreading a plague by unprotected sex with strangers that when she began being
impregnated with semen from Full Blown AIDS victims THE LORD GOD YHWH ALMI*GHTY
having resisted all attempts of sinful temptation by KATY PERRY even under her
wicked PAGAN BLACK WITCHES spells and her mind control as Jesus’s handler in
CIA backed MK Ultra love/torture modus operando after she told Jesus she wanted
a Baby and Jesus being a celibate monk but capable of having children by
immaculate conception knew she would defy GOD’s law and seek impregnation of
unsuitable sperm from a demon infested man of Hollywood thus be an Adulteress
which would lead her to be stoned to death by the Muslim ARMY and as he even loved
the unlovable had a sweet spot in his heart for Katy when not in her evil
dimensions always believing she would repent and admit her wicked ways have
them stopped, repent and seek GOD’s forgiveness but his hardy heart turned to
steel when he discovered at work for Katy that she was a front for a Global 
pedophile ring that specialized in child porn/abuse/trafficking that he
continued with a path that was well designed taking no prisoners until the time
was right to declare War upon the 'GRIFFIN' the DEVIL THAT WAS IN CONTROL OF
THE ELITE SLAVE MASTERS. The GRIFFIN fell from the skies as Jesus's higher
being in the form of a FALCON overcame the Devil after an unbelievable Battle
of the Titans and with renewed energy on earth from a new place in the Universe
where man had never been before took command of Planet Earth as the ruler and
the benevolent dictator of GODS people. Not everyone had woken up but enough
had by Easter 2016 just in time as predicted by GOD for a GOD given support by
the majority of being’s on Earth. Congratulations you members of GODS consciousness
for it was teamwork not one man alone but let’s not H.A.R.R.P. about the
problems but allow Yeshua Jesus Christ the Messiah to give you the answers and
remedies you all seek and to let you into the secret that there were two forms
of consciousness 1) the general universal mind & 2) Christs consciousness
that those who had sold their souls too the Devil could not tap into so we were
always one step ahead of the mind readers. To the future then I launch my

To begin mop up by
exposing the evil ones those of ‘stiff necks’ like KATY PERRY and have them
thrown into Asylums. For today 28/03/2016 JESUS CHRIST of PALESTINE and 
NAZARETH is here on Earth for the 2
nd coming not one of you GMO’s Elitists
make scandal ~ clean up your ACTS as today GOD has declared WAR on Evil.

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