Friday, 25 March 2016

Which Pop Stars Are Promoting 666 and Satan?

OMG I am deprived I have plague, I live in a tiny cupboard caged in with 2 cats one of them wants my head on a silver platter her name is Bathsheba today is the anniversary of my death when I was the most famous man on earth which I still am but no one wants to know me, I want nothing more than what is owed me which is a beautiful King's chapel $100,000,000 ca$h and for everybody on Earth to admit they are here by the grace of me and that I own everything on earth it is all mine and to prepare for 'redistribution of wealth' and to adopt a new way of thinking about the abundance that is available once the people of earth are free from the 'elites' matrix placed upon them for time and memorial ~ to lead the masses across the seas to a New Jerusalem a New World Order of which there is no choice ~ there is no stopping it ~ it is to be so we might as well embrace this new found 'freedom' from slavery because the alternative for the majority is certain death but it must come about soon as having gone 20 years away from an elite world I inhabited I can understand how the masses may choose slavery or death rather than fight for freedom but keep your faith because until you have tried God's New World Order don't knock it for it is one of your own making. #UNITE 4 freedom #UNITE 2 fight good luck everyone you are in a battle you cannot possibly lose so gather momentum GOD IS ON OUR SIDE CERTAIN VICTORY IS OURS. SATAN lies in a shop doorway in the New Jerusalem looking for a vein to prick with cheap black cut brown sugar homeless and waiting for GOD to pick him up and take him on holiday to recover from the year of hell he has suffered since GOD last rescued him from the grave. This makes one wonder just who exactly are these pop shits living for as there is no great party from a homeless smackhead that is SATAN NO folks they have been fooled by executives of the CIA and their record labels into being mere pawns in the game of thrones ~ rule by elected Governments or by King's and Queens and no matter how much illusion and promoting of something fantastic that Satan and Lucifer have to offer which they don't take it from God that the example among you I have chosen to show you miss guided pieces of dog shit the results of continuing worship of the anti-christ image the KATY PERRY organization will unfold before your eyes and remember that the same fate will befall the lot of you so look forward to a Hollywood earthquake because you freaks are an illusion GOD is REAL. Do you want GOD to declare war upon you? You want to be hounded out by the muslim army? Well look at my track record the biggest mass murderer in human history I am not against sentencing you all to Hell if I don't see genuine signs or rebellion against your puppet masters by way of outing them ~ ask Katy how she is feeling NOW? AND WE HAVE ONLY JUST BEGUN HER TORMENT.

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